Web of Chaos

*Please note that we are constantly getting new information and changing. We're trying our best to keep this up to date as much as possible!*

"A system is the existence of multiple people inside one physical body.
You could think of a system as a group of lifelong roommates, but with a body instead of an apartment."

System Description

We are system of currently 87 people, 97 including alters in subsystems!
In our system, alters are called "droplets", and we have extra roles none of us have seen used before!

Headspace / Innerworld

The Library, The Strays, and the Training Area are very common hangout spots, especially The Strays as it's a very comforting and homey cafe!

The headspace contains three main areas: L'Nightoak, Hemlock Woods, and The Void.

L'Nightoak is in a plain full of flowers and tall grasses.

Hemlock Woods is a diverse and calming forest with many paths that twist and turn.

The Void is a dark, infinite nothingness.


The Droplets of this system will be in alphabetical order! What follows after their name is their emoji, their system/subsystem emoji, pronouns, and how they mark their tweets!

-Aaron Hotchner🔎 | 🕸, he/him
-Alexis🗡 | 🕸, she/her
-A🐿 | 🍃, she/they
-Ander🫐 | 🕸, he/him
-Ash😄 | 🕸, she/her
-Badboyhalo😇 | 🕸, he/him
-Bizly | 🕸. he/him
-Bizly🥒 | 🕸, he/dew/chirp
-Br'aad🎺 | 🕸, he/him, -🎺 / -R'aad
-Br'aad🕰 | 🕸, he/him?
-Br'aad🪄 | 🕸, he/spell
-Brendon / Aldwyn🤝 | 🕸, he/him
-Charlie Slimecicle📖 | 🕸, he/they/slime
-Chat💬 | 📝, they/it, -Chat💬 / 💬 / -Chat
-Condifiction📘 | 🕸, he/myst/rat
-Dream Sans🏹 | 🕸, he/dream
-Dream⚔️ | 🕸. he/god
-Dream🎭 | 🕸, he/him
-Dream🏃♂️ | 🍃, he/him?
-Einshine🦸 | 🕸, he/him
-Elixir🧪 | ☂️, she/they
-Elvira🌑 | 🕸, any
-Eret🥖 | 🕸, any
-Error👾 | 🕸, he/error
-Ether🧘♀️ | 🕸, she/luxes
-Fallen Grizzly🕊 | 🕸, he/moth
-Foolish🦈 | 🕸, he/him?
-Fran🔫 | 🕸, she/her
-Fundy🏳️⚧️ | 🕸, he/him
-Fungi / Ephemeral🎞 | 🕸, unknown
-Geno💀 | 🕸, he/they
-George🥽 | 🕸, hy/mush/dowse
-Ghostbur💙 | 🕸, he/they
-Ghostnia🍄 | 🕸, any
-Grizzly🐻 | 🕸, he/hellos
-Heisenberg⚙️ | 🕸, he/him
-Herobrine🧍♀️ | 🕸, he/him
-Hiraeth Vengolor🎰 | 🕸, he/bee/fox
-Hiraeth🦊 | 🕸, he/they/forest, -🦊 / -Fox Boi / 🦊
-Ink🖋 | 🕸, he/him
-Jaquot🇫🇷 | 🕸, he/him
-Jaquot🪙 | 🕸, he/him?
-Jenzylro | 🕸, unknown
-Jubilee🛤 | 🕸, they/it
-Katherine🛼 | 🕸, she/fawn
-Kirillos💤 | 🕸, they/aer/ends
-Lyss💢 | 🕸, they/them
-Mania🌾 | 🕸, he/they?
-Mary🍁 | 🕸, she/leafs
-Mits⭐️ | 🕸, she/they
-Mountain🏔 | 🕸, he/pine
-Mountain🗻 | 🕸, he/him?
-Mystery | 🍃 (just aware of presence)
-Ob'nokshai⏱ | 🕸, he/eldritch
-Optxcxl🎮 | 🍃, he/they
-Papyrus🥕 | 🕸, he/him?
-Philza❤️ | 📝, he/him?
-Philza🦋 | 🕸, he/crow/gamma
-Quackity🐤 | 🕸, he/quacks
-Ranboo☔️ | ☂️, boo/he/they
-Rec📀 | 🕸, she/her
-Revivedbur🧨 | ☂️, he/him?
-Ridim🪁 | ☂️, she/they
-Sam🔱 | 🕸, he/creeper
-Sam🗝 | 🕸, she/her
-Sapnap🐼 | 🕸, he/him
-Schlatt🐐 | 🕸, he/rams
-ShyMania🗺 | 🕸, ask, -ShyMania / -Mania / -🗺 / -ShyMania🗺, other
-Siran🌹 | 🕸, any
-Sky🕶 | 🕸, they/them
-Slimecicle | 🕸, he/him
-Slimecicle🎲 | 🕸, he/slime
-Sokka🌊 | 🕸, he/him
-Spencer📒 | 🕸, he/him
-STommy😈 | 🕸, he/hxm
-STubbo🪶 | 🕸, any
-Sylnan🐀 | 🕸, he/him
-Sylnan🧝 | 🕸, he/him
-Sythe⚖️ | 🕸, she/rose/xyr
-Taxi🌳 | 🕸, he/field/hellos/kits/paws
-Taxi🌺 | 🕸, he/him?
-Technoblade👑 | 🕸, he/chaos
-Tommy🏆 | 🕸, he/(mcc team)
-Tommy💿 | 🕸, he/bud/pog
-Tubbo🐝 | 🕸, he/bee/cog
-Ugarth🥊 | 🕸, he/him?
-Ungaro🐢 | 🕸, he/him?
-Velrisa🍵 | 🕸, she/hyacin/spirit
-Velrisa🧊 | 🕸, she/her?
-Vox♟ | 🕸, she/her
-Wilbur🎏 | 🕸, he/revolution
-Wilbur🎼 | 🕸, he/mist
-Zephyr/Max🧹 | 🕸, he/snail
-ᚹᛖᛇᛏᛟ (Weïto)⏳ | 🕸, unknown

*Note, many alters have difference sources and similar sources, such as its common for CCs to also have their character sources.

Here are other carrds with other information on the Web of Chaos, feel free to look through them!

"I live in a constellation of intimates, and the shape of us is a family."

If you have any questions or would like to see us in our ultimate chaos.